Tank is going to Jesus tomorrow

They say that the paralysis is caused, most probably, by the cancer, which has traveled to the spine.  So my sweet boy will meet his maker tomorrow.  I have always told Tank that the only person who loves him more than I do is Jesus, and that when it was time, I’d send him home.  I have taken the day off, everything at school is set, I am driving to Nashville with Squirt, and we’ll sit with him for a real long time, then when they euthanize him  I’ll be there with him (but maybe we can take Squirt out so she doesn’t have to see that) and then we’ll bring her back in to sit with me and the body.  Will they let me stay in there for a couple of hours beforehand and be with him, cuddle him, talk with him?  they say, “as much time as you want,” but do they mean it?  & afterwards?  that’s a question I have for you all.

Author: margaret17

I have two dogs, Tank & Squirt, both 11. Tank is my tripaw. He has an agressive soft-tissue sarcoma, there were three lumps in his left front leg. It's been three weeks, he's adjusting slowly. Happy to have such a great site to help us along this journey!

12 thoughts on “Tank is going to Jesus tomorrow”

  1. My Dear, Dear Margaret. This breaks my heart to read this and I am so cery, very sorry.

    YOU DID EVERYTHING THING POSSIBLE FOR YOUR VELOVED TANK. EVERYTHING!!! To not have tried would not be ha4d ro handled. YOU TRIED!!!

    This is a viscous and brutal disease and can attack without warning anywhere anmd anytime. Yoi are doing the right thing by getting him pain.

    And you and Squirt will get to spend beau quality time with him…AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!!! As hard as this will be, I know you are strong enough to make tomorrow a day of celebration for him. I don’t know if he feels like eating, but bring him any food he. might like! And that includes junk food and ice cream and cake and Reese Cups and Cheetos!!

    He will be so comforted because you are with him,…and Squirt too.❤

    Try not to think ahead. Just stay in the mome t with Tank. Let things unfold and no worries about how much time before or after. Jo worries about when, or if, you want to have Squirt go out of the room. Just let things flow. You will be guided and all this will co e yo uou naturally.

    You are giving Tank the greatest gift of love anyone can possibly give their beloved dog. You are surrounding him with your love as he leaves his earth clothes that no longer serve him and heads into Jesus’s open arms❤ It will be a beautiful reunion as he returns home. From Heaven he will be able to watch over you and Squirt and always be your protector.

    Please feel our love and our strength as you spend time celebrating your love for Tank and his for you. Tank is our family and we are so privileged to be with him and with you.

    We are here for you and with you. I’ll light a candle for Tank tomorrow. And we all all look forward to hearing more about this handsome fella’ when you can, okay?

    With love and surrounding you in Divine light from above,

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too

  2. I’m sorry to hear this, but pleased to hear that you plan on accompanying Tank on his final journey. Our vet has always made their offices a happy place for our dogs, but I might suggest that you spend as much time before the end as possible in one of Tank’s happy places and then see the vet. I say this hoping that it will leave you with better memories of the day, and I say this based on recent personal experience with Jake.

  3. Margaret,

    I am so very sorry. Trying to find words is so hard. I kept hoping it would be better news, but I had a feeling as time passed that it was not going to be good. Just heart wrenching.
    It is good to take Squirt to see Tank after. Believe it or not I have always felt that the other furbabies understand more than most give them credit for, and I do believe with all of my heart that it helps to give them closure also.
    And take whatever time you need. I was a vet tech for a long time, they will understand.

    Tank will be welcomed with open arms by all of our angels, and make no mistake about it, he will be whole and pain free again.

    You are in our thoughts, I will be checking back as I am able. Lean on us for all the support that you need. You are doing the right thing, and you did the right thing for Tank. Please don’t let anybody ever tell you any different.

    Hugs and lots of love,
    Jackie and Huckleberry💖💖💖

  4. I am so sorry to hear this. I am in total shock and can’t believe it. You are in my thoughts and prayers

    Michelle & Angel sassy

  5. Margaret, I am so sorry to hear this absolutely horrible news about your handsome Tank. In tears, I just hate cancer, so, so much. I have many other choice words I will not include about this awful disease.

    I can speak from experience that, at the hospital we were at with Fallon anyway, that they indeed welcomed us to stay for as long as we wanted with her afterward. They brought us pillows and blankets and water and boxes of tissues, they were hospitable and accommodating, they truly understood the pain and were not going to get in the way of goodbyes, no matter how long.

    You and Tank will be in our thoughts. So very, very sad and sorry. I know how difficult a time this is.

  6. I’m sitting here with my eyes full of tears. I’m so sad for you and Squirt. Tank will be finally pain free and at peace and what a wonderful life he has had with such a loving person to share it with. My thoughts are with you today


  7. Margaret, our entire community mourns for you, Tank and Squirt. This is not the way any of us ever expect things will turn out, and it breaks our heart to millions of pieces knowing that Tank is getting his wings. We are deeply sorry.

    I’m glad you are able to spend time with him tomorrow, and I’m sure your vet will be totally OK with you spending however long you want at his side. When you are, please whisper into Tankie’s ear that our Jerry and all his friends will be there to greet him at the Bridge OK?

    Tomorrow will not be easy, not by any means. But by accompanying Tank to his transition and being there afterward, you are no doubt giving him the peace and love he needs to go on to his next place in the universe knowing that he was such a cherished part of your family.

    Please know we are all thinking of you and will hold you close in our hearts in the coming days. There has been a lot of loss around here lately, and our entire community feels the grief.

    Our love goes out to you. We are so sorry.

  8. If it helps at all, this is exactly what happened with Pofi, too. The onset was just as sudden and for that reason, there were moments – days actually, when we (my husband and I and all of the many doctors) all believed it was an injury from when he slipped and fell rather than that he slipped and fell because a recurrence of his cancer had moved into his spine. We did an x-ray and could not see evidence of cancer so moved on the next day to MRI in prep for a surgery. But the MRI revealed the sad truth and that was expense and also stress for him that proved fruitless. So I feel that even though it is unfair, the assessment they have given you is correct. Not the outcome anyone wanted, but nothing for you to feel responsible for. Sending you wishes for comfort. I know Tank will have a gentle journey wrapped in your love for him.


    1. Thanks so much for this — my heart goes out to you, fellow traveler… Incredible that Tank’s tumors popped out of nowhere on June 17th, and three months later he’s gone.

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